Monday, November 24, 2008

Zombies and Rubber and Trannies, Oh My!

Bruce LaBruce, bless your dear heart! Only you could combine the elements of gay porn, zombie horror, comedy, and political commentary into one film. Such was the occassion for me donning zombie makeup and venturing out into a cold Sunday night for flesh-eating debauchery.

Started at a friend’s house for makeup and primping. Walked over to the theatre and got a lil boozey while mingling with other gay zombies. The event started with a horror punk band with an utterly adorable female singer in a pink latex nurse’s uniform. Her lyrics were fucking hilarious, including such gems as, “Every time I cum I vomit.” The film was everything I expected and more. The finale was a writhing zombie orgy of pale bodies covered in blood-lube. My friend couldn’t stay out any later, but I was done-up so I decided to hit up some drinking establishments of ill-repute.

At the first stop, I unexpectedly had a bunch of drinks bought for me and danced with a bunch of trannies. This place was kind of my old stomping ground so I kept getting these weird, knowing stares from guys. Did I make out with them? Did I get drunk and take my clothes off last time I was here? Maybe both. Anyways, it was weirding me out so I decided to leave that shark tank for another. This is where shit got craycee…

Not only were there a bunch of dark-hearted gay zombies milling about, it was ALSO International Male Rubber night. If you don’t know what that means, just picture a bunch of guys in skin-tight fetish costumes comprised entirely of latex. I was getting pretty O.O.C. by this point, so let me share the glimpses that stand out from the fog.
-Extended crotch grab from a tranny named Paris and her two male cohorts.
-Caressed lube over the costume of a particularly fit rubberman.
-Received a scalp massage from two dark-hearted goth-gays.
-Became entangled in the middle of an end-of-the-night dance train with a slew of dark-hearts donning various amounts of latex.
-Confronted by various internet creepsters I.R.L. (eek!!).

This, Awkers, is just a peek into my Sunday evening. I’m sure I’ll recall more highlights as my hangover wears off, but jeez! You kids don’t need to know everything! I have to retain SOME degree of mystery (ha!).

-Awk.Nites 2.0

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