Thursday, February 26, 2009

A New Look

The time has come, Awkers! I finally added pictures to all of the posts! Shitty MS Paint pictures! Is this a ploy to get you to reread previous posts and forget about the fact that I haven't updated much lately? You bet! What more can you ask of me than my honesty!?

In other news, the internet creepsters have been all up in my biz lately! I was just starting to hang out with Myspace Internet Creepster and his circle of friends when he goes and ruins it all by asking me on a date. It's pretty common knowledge that I DO NOT date, go on dates, enter relationships, or any of the like. So I did what any other awkward soul would do and ignored the email. Going out to the same place as him tonight, so we'll see how that goes!

Last night I went to see Goth Internet Creepster's DJ set at a new night he's trying to create with his friends. The crowd was divided into two camps. Those with G.I.C. and those with the other DJ who we shall call Stick Thin Goth. The bar was basically split down the middle like an abortion clinic protest. OF COURSE I was the one that got drunk enough to cross over into S.T.G. territory and mix things up. OF COURSE this resulted with more drinking until suddenly I woke up at home the next day with a GIRL's phone number in my pocket and a massive headache. Not sure if I even WANT to investigate what I did/said.

Enjoy the pix d00dz!
-Awk.Nite 3.0

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